Seamless Contract Historical Data Migration


A leading global semiconductor display company


Need to migrate 500,000 contracts from the existing contract management system to a new one, with each contract averaging 20 pages in a Word document and containing more than 10 attachments.

The contracts included a wide range of business and management terms, not limited to payment terms, requiring careful handling during migration.

🎯Pain Point

The need for efficient and accurate migration of a large volume of contracts while ensuring data integrity and compliance with business and management terms.

Challenges in transferring complex contractual data, including attachments and structured terms, from Oracle to MySQL databases.

⏳Construction Period

One person for one months

✅Customer Gains

Successful migration of all contract texts, attachments, and structured business and management terms to the new contract management system.

Improved contract management efficiency and accessibility, with detailed migration records allowing for easy review and retrying of individual failed migrations.

⚒️ Leveraged Platform Feature

This project leverages the powerful Dynamic Action definition and execution module of the Low-Code development platform. It allows

  • Flexible definition of Dynamic Action execution parameters,
  • Detailed execution records for each Dynamic Action execution, logging, etc.
  • It also enables easy retries. Furthermore,
  • Dynamic Action execution supports asynchronous processing, making it capable of running long-running migration tasks in the background.

🎈 Screenshots

Migration Status Record, a status record for each contract's migration
Migration Status Record
Execution record of each action run, capture it's parameters and results and logs
Dynamic Action execution record
Execute Migration Dynamic Action with custom parameters
Execute Migration Dynamic Action with custom parameters

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