
Create a Simple CRM System Using LCDP.ai Infinite Code

Lawrence Liu Avatar




Welcome to the “📇 Building a CRM from Scratch” tutorial! 🎉 (Part 1)

Here, we’ll guide you step-by-step through using our low-code platform to easily create a simple CRM system. Whether you’re a programming novice or an experienced developer, you’ll find joy and a sense of achievement in this process.

CRM, short for Customer Relationship Management, is typically referred to as CRM system software. CRM is a customer-centric software system specifically designed for managing customer relationships. It ensures that every interaction with customers in sales, marketing, and service is smooth and efficient, thereby improving business performance.

Are you ready? Let’s get started and take the first step towards success! 🚀

    How to Model Customer Objects on a Low-Code Platform

    Business model design is the foundation of information system design, involving the definition of database tables, field settings, and relationships between tables. In short, this step determines the data structure and storage method of the system.

    Customers are one of the core objects managed by CRM systems. We will first create a customer object with the following attributes:

    Customer Model Definition in CRM System

    Model Name

    Model Description Description
    Customers Customer information, including name, contact information, company name, position, etc.

    Model Field List

    Field Name Type Nullable Default Value Options Remarks
    name STRING No None None Customer business key
    contactInfo STRING No None None Contact information
    companyName STRING Yes None None Company name
    position STRING Yes None None Position
    group STRING Yes None None Customer group
    birthday LOCAL_DATE Yes None None Customer birthday

    The system will automatically create an auto-increment column named id of type Long as the primary key.

    Creating Models in the Low-Code Platform

    Creating Customer Model and Fields

    The operation video is shown below

    Setting Enumeration Values for the Group Field

    The group field is used to identify customer group ings. We can set its enumeration values as follows:

    Model Name Enumeration Field Option Value Explanation
    Customer Form (Customers) Group (Customer Group) VIP Very important customers
    Regular Customer General customers
    Potential Customer Potential customers who may become actual customers
    Important Customer Customers who are very important in business
    Blacklist Customers no longer cooperating with

    In the field definition, you can set optional values for the field. The specific operation is to edit the field and set its options property, as shown in the video below:

    Next, we will create corresponding CRUD forms for the created customer model.

    Creating Maintenance Forms for the Customer Model

    Forms are an important component in the system. All data management is performed on corresponding forms. We will create the following maintenance forms for the customer model:

    • List form, and associate it with an access menu
    • Create form
    • Edit form
    • Query form

    Creating the List Form

    The specific operation video is as follows:

    In the above video, we:

    1. Created a list form named “List of Customers” for the customer model to display the customer list in the customer management menu.
    2. When creating this list form, we also created an associated menu as the entry point for users to access Customer data.
    3. And in the form, we assigned the corresponding view permission to the ROLE_USER role.

    Creating Other Forms

    The specific operation video is as follows:

    In the above video, we:

    1. Created forms named “Create Customer” and “Update Customer”.
    2. Assigned the corresponding create and edit permissions to the ROLE_USER role.
    3. Demonstrated creating and editing Customer data in the interface.

    As you can see, after creating the Create Customer and Update Customer forms, we didn’t add any fields to the forms. The system’s default behavior is: if no form fields are defined in a form, it will display all fields of that object by default.

    Next, we will model the sales opportunity object and demonstrate how to establish object associations during modeling. 

    Sales Opportunity Object Modeling and Forms

    In the previous steps, we have defined the customer object and its attributes, and defined its list, creation, and update forms. Now we will proceed with the modeling and form definition for sales opportunities.

    Referring to CRM System Design, we will define the attributes of sales opportunities as follows:

    Sales Opportunity Table (SalesOpportunities)

    Model Definition

    Interaction Record Table (InteractionRecord)
    Field Name Type Nullable Default Options Remarks Related Object Type
    name STRING No None None Interaction record key None
    interactionType STRING No None None Interaction type None
    interactionDate LOCAL_DATE No None None Interaction date None
    notes STRING Yes None None Notes None
    Task Table (Task)
    Field Name Type Nullable Default Options Remarks Related Object Type
    name STRING No None None Task key None
    description STRING No None None Description None
    dueDate LOCAL_DATE No None None Due date None
    status STRING No None None Task status None
    Sales Opportunity Table (SalesOpportunities)
    Field Name Type Nullable Default Options Remarks Related Object Type
    name STRING No None None Sales opportunity key None
    customer DOMAIN_OBJECT No None None Related customer Customers
    stage STRING No None None Opportunity stage None
    expectedAmount BIG_DECIMAL No None None Expected amount None
    expectedCloseDate LOCAL_DATE No None None Expected closing date None
    interactionRecords DOMAIN_OBJECT_LIST Yes None None Customer interaction records InteractionRecord
    tasks DOMAIN_OBJECT_LIST Yes None None Customer interaction records Task

    Here’s the creation process and related explanations:

    1. The customer field will be associated with the customer object we defined earlier. When creating this field, you need to select the type as DOMAIN_OBJECT and set its reference object type to Customers.
    2. We have set options for the interactionType field of InteractionRecord, the status field of Task, and the stage field of SalesOpportunities. You can directly input options in the Options column, pressing enter to input each option.
    3. SalesOpportunities references the interaction record table and task table, used to record a specific interaction with the customer or a to-do task. This type of object relationship is configured using DOMAIN_OBJECT_LIST.

    Form Definition

    After completing the model definition, we will continue to define its list, creation, and update forms. The steps are as follows:

    From the video, we can see that the Customer field in the sales opportunity list displays its ID rather than its name, which is not user-friendly. Now we will use the extInfo feature of DomainClass to set the Customer object to display its name attribute in other object forms that reference it.

    The specific steps are as follows:

    In the extension information field of the DomainClass definition for the Customer model, set:

    { "labelField": "name" }

    This specifies that the name attribute of the Customer object will be displayed in forms of other objects that reference it.

    The following data has a one-to-many relationship with SalesOpportunities, and the platform supports displaying related objects in sub-table form by default.

    • Interaction Records Table (InteractionRecords)
    • Tasks Table (Tasks)

    However, when you click the create button on the SalesOpportunities list page and open the creation form, you’ll find that you can’t create related InteractionRecord and Task objects. The specific interface is shown in the image below:

    This is because we haven’t granted the user permission to create and edit InteractionRecord and Task objects.

    Let’s fix this permission issue. The solution is to create Create and Update forms for the InteractionRecord and Task models, and set their Enable Roles to the list of roles that should have permission.

    The specific operation is shown in the video below, which also demonstrates data maintenance of the SalesOpportunity object after granting user permissions:

    Object Deletion Permissions

    Granting Users Object Deletion Permissions

    To give users the ability to delete Customers and SalesOpportunities objects, we need to grant them permission to delete the corresponding APIs.

    This operation is performed in:

    The specific steps are shown below:

    Executing Batch Delete Actions

    The system has built-in batch delete action definitions that can be bound to objects and implement batch delete operations. The specific steps are as follows:

    During the operation, creating a DynamicActionDomainClass object essentially binds a dynamic action to a specific model. Dynamic actions are one of the core concepts of the LCDP.ai low-code platform. For more information about dynamic actions, please refer to the dynamic action documentation in the appendix.

    Additionally, the system supports using DynamicLogic to dynamically calculate at runtime whether an object can be deleted. For details, please refer to the dynamic permission control section in the appendix.

    The prerequisite for the batch delete Action to work properly is that the current logged-in user has been granted object deletion permissions as per the operations in the previous section.

    In the next step, we will customize the display and input controls for certain fields. 

    Form Field Display Optimization

    In the previous modeling and form creation process, all form fields used default rendering controls. For example, character types used character input boxes, and numeric types used numeric input boxes.

    In this section, we will customize the display controls for some fields. Below is a list of fields that need to be modified:

    Model Field Form Display Control
    Customer contactInfo Create, Update/View Long Text
    SalesOpportunities Expected Amount Create, Update/View Currency

    The display control for form fields is customized using the displayType property in DynamicFormField. For specific operation steps, please refer to the video below:

    In the previous chapters, we only created the corresponding forms without adding form field definitions. In this case, the system will display all fields in the model by default. If you want to customize the display and input controls for fields, you need to create form fields.

    Please refer to the list below for the default supported displayType list:

    Display Type
    Array with details
    Array Inline
    Multiple select
    Object multiple select
    Tag list
    Static field
    Http method
    Updated ids
    Line chart
    Tree select
    Cron expression
    Object ids
    Text(long string)
    Single file
    Single image
    Grouped grand child
    Zoned Datetime
    Sub table
    Entity Attributes
    Value select
    Function Editor

    Further discussion

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